Natural Family Planning is Fertility Awareness in Action! Natural Family Planning is a general term used to refer to modern scientific family planning methods which do not involve harmful hormonal products, barrier methods or sterilization. It is based on the fact that women are infertile most of the time, and there are natural signs of fertility and infertility throughout a woman's monthly cycle. Husband and wife learn to read and interpret the signs, and act accordingly based on their plans. To avoid pregnancy, they avoid sexual contact during fertile times and to achieve pregnancy, they can have sexual relations at any time. Natural Family Planning is especially useful for couples who are trying to have a baby but are having difficulty due to low fertility. By using NFP a couple can know for certain the one or two days of the month when sexual intercourse is more likely to result in a baby.
Many women experience cycles whose time varies from month to month (eg, 25 days one month, 35 or 40 days the next, etc). This may not be irregular at all for her. Some women who consider themselves "very regular", may from time to time be surprised by a longer or shorter cycle. NFP works just as well – because no matter when the time of fertility comes, there are recognizable signs which indicate it.
Definitely not! Basically the Rhythm System involved counting days of the cycle and assuming (guesstimating) when the fertile days occur. With modern methods of NFP, husband and wife have up-to-date knowledge each day whether they are infertile or possibly fertile on any given day. NFP is effective because the woman’s natural hormone levels, which control the timing of fertility, also control the signs her body provides for the couple to interpret. Thus, when avoiding pregnancy, NFP used correctly can achieve effectiveness in the same range as hormonal methods such as the Pill. NFP is more effective than barrier methods such as condoms, diaphragms, etc.
Two ways. To get general information, attend one of our virtual, monthly, one hour sessions, these are on our website as “The 4-1-1 on N-F-P”. These are usually presented the second weekend of the month in English and Spanish. GO TO THE REGISTRATION PAGE FOR DATES AND TIMES. To actually learn how to use a natural method, you have to take a class series that involves informational presentations and practice with personal charting of the signs. It is strongly preferred that husbands and wives (or engaged couples) learn the method together and practice it as equal partners in the process. We will be offering the full class series beginning in February and it is not necessary to attend a “411” session before taking the class series.
We believe any married couple can benefit from using NFP. The best time to learn is during the engagement, preferably starting classes several months before the wedding. But there’s no bad time to learn, and sometimes single individuals attend for their own knowledge. All are welcome. NFP is usually offered in a Catholic context because the Catholic Church views contraception as a serious offense against God and how God created men and women. NFP does not mean “Not for Protestants”! As a matter of fact, many non-Catholics have taken our classes and been grateful for the experience!
If you have questions, please e-mail us. If you prefer to be called by an experienced user/teacher of NFP, just let us know and you will get a call. Please contact us especially if you want to be instructed but the schedule of classes don’t fit your availability. We’ll work something out.